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Voleur du Feu Theatre

Voleur du Feu Theatre was founded in 2013 by Artistic Director Tung-Ning Hsieh. The name of the company was inspired by the Greek myth, in which Prometheus stole fire from Zeus to benefit human beings, aiming to bring the warmth through theatre works into the public. It predominantly focuses on producing new creations with ethnic Chinese perspectives in interdisciplinary art forms, aiming to respond to territory, emotion, identity and social reality. The artistic approach of the company has attempted to integrate to the trend of world theatre, presenting the company rooted in locality yet shaped by global vision.


2023.01        新竹縣˙新春Opening《愛與死的競技場》劇本展|新竹縣政府文化局演藝廳迴廊

2023.04        春天藝術節《哨船街漂流回憶錄》|高雄正港小劇場 演出3場

2023.04-11  竹風雙營計畫—編劇戰鬥營X戲劇夏令營|新竹縣政府文化局

2023.05        《殺神》|牯嶺街小劇場實驗劇場 演出5

2023.07        新竹縣親子小戲節 Happy Day《安麗太太》讀劇|新竹縣政府文化局演藝廳迴廊 演出2場

​2023.07         臺中國家歌劇院青少年工作坊《那個陪我長大的你》|臺中歌劇院實驗劇場 演出1場

​2023.08        竹風戲劇夏令營《畢業的那一天》|新竹縣政府文化局實驗劇場 演出1場

2023.10        《白沙—百年縮時》|卦山力藝術祭|彰化市慶安宮 演出2場

2023.11        《殺神》讀劇演出|新響藝術季|新竹縣政府文化局演奏廳 演出2場

2023.11        華文LAB劇本市集|華山1914文創園區 演出6場 活動3場

2023.12        懸疑三部曲聯演計畫 懸疑首部曲《幽靈晚餐》|水源劇場 演出6場

2023.12        懸疑三部曲聯演計畫 懸疑二部曲《雪姬來的那一夜|水源劇場 演出6場

2023.12        懸疑三部曲聯演計畫 懸疑終曲《艋舺公園殺人事件|水源劇場 演出4場


2022.03        《混域96小時極限操演》|樹林藝文中心 演出6場

2022.04        《寶貝,射我吧》|戲曲中心小表演廳 演出4場

2022.04        《幽靈晚餐》|嘉義縣表演藝術中心小劇場 演出2

2022.04-08   竹風雙營計畫—編劇戰鬥營X戲劇夏令營|新竹縣政府文化局

2022.05        《狗洞》|長庚大學體育館 演出1場

​2022.07         臺中國家歌劇院青少年工作坊《我的限時動態》|臺中歌劇院實驗劇場 演出1場

2022.10        《消失新竹》|新竹縣新響藝術季 新竹縣政府文化局 演出2場

2022.10        《練習曲:東東(和他朋友們)的假期》|鐵玫瑰藝術節|桃園展演中心演出2場

2022.11       〔華文劇本LAB〕編劇實驗室計畫 《歡迎來到詭寶地》+華文LAB劇本市集|華山1914文創園區

2022.12        《家族星系圖》(第一階段)展覽計畫|卦山力藝術祭|高賓閣 展覽1個月


2021.12        《英雄的旅程》—平凡生活歷險記|卦山力藝術祭|彰化市成功營區 展覽2個月 演出1場

2021.12     《幽靈晚餐》|國家兩廳院實驗劇場 演出4場

2021.12     《回聲》|2021年人權藝術生活節|國家人權博物館白色恐怖景美紀念園區 演出2場

2021.11     《在西部情境下鬧鬼の一部羅曼史》讀劇會|〔華文劇本LAB〕編劇實驗室計畫Ⅲ|華山拱廳 演出4場

2021.10        《狗洞》|明志科技大學演講廳 演出1場

2021.10        《西元二〇七〇—新竹回憶錄》|2021新竹縣新響藝術季|新竹縣政府文化局實驗劇場 演出2場
2021.09        《廢土物語》階段性呈現|臺中國家歌劇院新藝計畫|臺中國家歌劇院凸凸廳 演出1場
2021.08     《雪姬來的那一夜》試演會|廣藝基金會第三屆「金創獎」銀獎|華山烏梅劇院 演出1場
2021.08      竹風戲劇線上夏令營—竹風戲劇競賽|110年度文化部駐館計畫|GOOGLE MEET 演出1場

2021.03    《給未來的家書》|樹林藝文中心 演出1場


2020.12              Taipei Vanishing, Wetbase B1F, (performance and exhibition)

2020.12              Mrs Amway, Ming Chi University of Technology Lecture Hall

2020.11              The Last Dinner, 2020 Tainan Arts Festival, Tainan Municipal Xinying Cultural Center

2020.11              The Year 2070 of Hsinchu, documentary theater workshop exhibition

2020.11              The Pet Crisis, Voleur du Feu Theatre Playwright Lab II, Art Gallery 2F (play reading)

2020.09              The Year 2070 of Changhua, 2nd Baguashan Power Art Festival, documentary theatre workshop presentation,


2020.08              Dream A Little Dream, Yuanlin Performance Hall, Experimental Theatre

2020.08              Bang! Bang! Baby Shot Me Down, Quanta Hall (showcase)


2019.12              The Crazy Suite, Voleur du Feu Theatre Playwright Lab I, Art Gallery 2F (play reading)

2019.11-12    Misanthropy Duet: <No. 19, Maring St.> X <Pink Planet>, Wetbase 5F
2019.08-09        Documentary Theater Workshop in Changhua, 1st Baguashan Power Art Festival, Changhua
2019.08          The Last Dinner, Quanta Hall (showcase)
2019.08          Transfer Student II, Yuanlin Performance Hall, Experimental Theatre

2019.04         The Missing Mickey, Experimental Theater of National Performing Arts Centre


2018.12           Documentary Theater Workshop of Taiwanese New Immigrants, Taipei Performing Arts Center (showcase)
2018.11           Closing Eyes is a Crime, National Museum of Taiwan Literature
2018.10           Coming! Coming! Falling Heavily from the Mountains, Nadou Theatre
2018.09           Barter Market, 2018 Play Arts Festival, C-Lab

2018.08-09     Actors' workshop of Théâtre du Soleil held by Man-Wai FOK, Iron Forest Studio 
2018.08-09     Theater workshop for teenagers, Yuanlin Performance Hall, Experimental Theatre (presentation)
2018.08           Transfer Student, Oriza Hirata X Voleur du Feu Theatre (Yuanlin Version), Yuanlin Performance Hall, Experimental                                    Theatre
2018.08           Invisible Places, documentary Workshop held by Christine Umpfenbach, Longshan Temple, Lukang

2018.07           2018 Sinophone Original Play Biennial
2018.05           Transfer Student, Oriza Hirata X Voleur du Feu Theatre, National Performing Arts Center, National Theatre, Taipei
2018.04           Documentary Theatre Workshop of Immigrants in Chang-hua, Chang-hua Station Square, Chang-Hua


2017.12           Qibla, National Performing Arts Center, National Theatre, Taipei

2017.12           Le Cri, 2017 Avant-garde Theater Festival of Taiwan and China, Beijing, China mainland.

2017.11           Qibla, National Museum of Taiwan Literature

2017.11           Le Cri, 2017 Chang-Hua Theatre Art Festival, Yuanlin Performance Hall, Experimental Theatre

2017.09           Taipei Notes, Oriza Hirata X Voleur du Feu Theatre, 2017 Taipei Arts Festival, WellSpring Theatre

2017.08-09    Theater workshop for teenagers, Yuanlin Performance Hall, Experimental Theatre (presentation)

2017.07-09        Drifting Square, Taipei Fine Arts Museum (performance and exhibition)

2017.06-07        Old Man Hero, Voleur du Feu Theatre X How to Eat Faust, 2017 Kaohsiung Spring Arts Festival

2017.02          Taipei Notes, Oriza Hirata X Voleur du Feu Theatre, 2017 Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama, Yokohama Museum


2016.11          Ici là-bas, 2016 China Jiangsu Original Studio Theatre Biennale, Nanjing, Yangzhou, China mainland

                                                 Nanjing University Experimental Theatre

                                                 Yangzhou Green Wheat Theatre
                                                 2016 ACT Shanghai International Theatre Festival, Shanghai, China mainland

                                                 Shanghai 1933 Experimental Theatre
2016.10-11       2018 Sinophone Original Play Biennial

2016.09          Le Petit Paris, 2017 Avant-garde Theater Festival of Taiwan and China, Beijing, China mainland
2016.07          Ici là-bas, The 7th Beijing Nanluoguxiang Performing Arts Festival, Beijing, China mainland.
2016.04-05    The Reflection on Others X Ici là-bas, Guling Street Avant-garde Theater, Taipei
2016.03          Princess AliceThe 8th Grasstraw Festival, Chiayi


2015.11          GAME OVER?, Voleur du Feu Theatre X How to Eat Faust, Guling Street Avant-garde Theater 2F, Taipei

2015.10-11       Actors' workshop of Théâtre du Soleil held by Sébastien Brottet-Michel, 435 Rehearsal Room 
2015.06          Trojan War in Library, Voleur du Feu Theatre X How to Eat Faust, Bamboo Curtain Studio
2015.04-05        Le Petit Paris, Guling Street Avant-garde Theater, Taipei

                                                          Nanjing University Experimental Theater, Nanjing
                                                          Trojan Theater, Hangzhou
                                                          2015 Tainan Arts Festival, Experimental Theater of Tainan Municipal Cultural Center, Tainan

2015.03          Buy Four Get One Free, Experimental Theater of Chiayi Performing Arts Center
2015.03          Fleur d'or, The 7th Grasstraw Festival, Chiayi

2015.02-05       Devenir, Voleur du Feu Theatre X Tang Huang-Chen, Taipei Fine Arts Museum (Performance and Exhibition)


2014.11               Buy Four Get One Free, 2014 Weiwuying Arts Fesitval, Kao-Hsiung

2014.10               RadioDead, Voleur du Feu Theatre X How to Eat Faust,  Guling Street Avant-garde Theater, Taipei

2014.08               RadioDead, Voleur du Feu Theatre X How to Eat Faust, 1982 LifeHouse, Tainan

2014.04               Buy Four Get One Free, Huashan 1914 Creative Park







Playwright in-residency


Artistic Director

Artist in-residency

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Director in-residency

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Administration Manager

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Production Manager

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Production Manager

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Executive Producer

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